Try light rail.

Historic Folsom to downtown Sacramento. The Gold Line has you covered.

How it works

  1. Find your train

    • Open your favorite (Google or Apple) Maps app.

    • Enter your destination and adjust departure/arrival times.

    • Select the transit icon.

  2. Purchase your fare

    • Download ZipPass to purchase light rail fare directly from your smartphone

    • With ZipPass, there’s no need to worry about cash or paper tickets! Simply have your active pass ready for visual inspection when riding the train.

  3. Find your platform

    • Signs will identify which side of the station platform to stand. For your safety, stand behind the yellow caution strip.

    • As the train arrives, check the head sign to verify you are boarding the correct train. Once the train has come to a complete stop, push the button on the door to enter.

  4. Find your destination

    • Listen and watch for your stop. Push the button to open the door, and exit.

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